Monday, March 31, 2014

Review: Gin no Saji

"Please don't eat my hand. Please don't eat my hand.Please don't eat my hand. Please don't eat my hand."

3ET: Gin no Saji

Review Scale

Warning: the following review contains SPOILERS and farm waste. More specifically, horse shit.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Review: Hamatora

A drink? I would LOVE one.

3ET: Hamatora

Review Scale

Warning: the following review contains SPOILERS and direction by the M. Night. Shyamalan of anime.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Review: Tokyo Ravens

Someone just farted.

3ET: Tokyo Ravens

Review Scale

Warning: The following review contains SPOILERS and ranting.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Review: Noragami

Yukine is not pleased to be stuck in a show with these people.

Three Episode Test: Noragami

Review Scale

Warning: The following review contains SPOILERS and a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

2014 Debbie Award Nominations

What are the Debbie Awards? Simply put, they are my answer to both the Emmys and what passes for anime awards on the otaku blogosphere. I have grown tired of tired awards that seek to divide anime into genres, only award characters instead of their voice actors, and completely ignore the army of talented people behind the scenes of our favorite anime. So, I'm going to start my own awards. Awards that recognize those talented people and throw all of anime into the same bin. I am not an expert on animation in general, and since these awards only have a committee of one, that's a flaw I have to accept. But, I think it will be a good start.

Why are they called the Debbie Awards? Well, because I think awards need a catchy, human name (Oscars, Tonys, etc). And because I want to memorialize a friend of mine who took her own life. In her honor, I'd like to make these awards into a sort of fundraiser for suicide hotlines in Japan and the United States. I feel that this would be a way for our community to give back in some small way. You know, if I ever got a readership. But hey, a guy can dream.

How do I choose? Well, first off, there are rules. For a show to be eligible, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. The show must have ended in the year 2013.
  2. The show must have episodes of a standard length (around 23-25 minutes).
  3. The show must have first aired on Japanese television.
That's it. There are fourteen categories, five nominees per category. I chose the categories based on the ones from the Annie Awards, as well as what I felt I could fairly judge. With that intro done, let's hit the jump to see who got the noms.