Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hunter x Hunter Episode Seven

Killua is shocked at Gon's nonplussed reaction to what his parents do for a living.

The forty two Hunter Candidates fly on an airship bound for the destination of the next phase, and are told to get some rest. Naturally, since they are two twelve-year-old balls of energy, Gon and Killua stay up playing a game with the elderly head of the Exam Committee. But first, Killua finally tells Gon about his backstory. He comes from a family of assassins, who are none too happy that he has decided to become a Hunter instead of making his living killing people. Gon's reaction to this is his reaction to most things, he thinks it's pretty damn cool. As for the game, the object is to take the ball away from the old man, who is barely trying in keeping possession as the two come at him with every attack in the book. In the end, Killua leaves while Gon tries to get him to use his other hand during the game, and when he succeeds, the old man decides that three hours of sleep is a bit too little for a growing boy, and orders the airship to slow down to give him more time to rest.

This episode is really about Killua, specifically his personality in direct contrast to Gon. This is at its most apparent during the game. I compare Gon's awe at the old man's skills as far as dodging, dipping, ducking, diving, and dodging their attacks to Killua's building frustration. And when Killua's temper breaks after he leaves, two Candidates end up knocked out and possibly dead on the floor of the airship. That kid has issues. And in Gon, that kid has found someone it appears he has never really had, a friend. That Gon's wide-eyed wonder applies equally to the powers of the old man and the violent upbringing that Killua must be a good thing for him. It shows that Gon doesn't see him as a monster just because of his parents, even though most of the world probably sees him that way. And if anyone needs a friend like that, it's a child who has run away from his parents to live out his dream.

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